Place & Purpose 1’ 30” clips with Palace Cinemas & Mini
This 4-part Campaign unfolded in Palace Cinemas across Australia in 2018
One of the things I enjoy about designing for film is exploring spatial qualities and spatial experiences.
Roads take you from one place to another, they might be winding, they might be smooth asphalt or rocky tracks.
Nature is an unstoppable force. We can control it short-term, but in the end it always prevails.
People and Place speak to each other in a cyclic fashion, like a feedback loop.
Industry BTS
Screen Australia: "Spotlight on crew for International Women's Day", Caris Bizzaca 2022
BTS Segment "The Making Of '2067'" - Cinematography and Production Design, 2021
Australian Geographic: "Celluloid Dreaming", Amy Russell 2016
Digital Media World: "BTS The Wolverine", Adriene Hurst 2013
Digital Media World: "Dawn Treader Inside Out", Adriene Hurst 2010
Digital Media World: "Designing for the Stars", 2006